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Visual Design Work

Over the last few weeks I have been doing a module called Visual Design. Over the weeks I have learnt how text, image and colour are used to get a response from an audience. I have also looked at Typography, which we then had to use to create our own typography experiments in the form of business cards.

In week 3 I was then given a brief to create a business card for a company called Bright Ideas. This was interesting as I tried out quite a few designs before finalising my idea.

As part of the week 4 directed study task, I had to re-create my favourite album cover. For this task I chose to re-create Adele's 21 cover as well as Ed Sheeran's +.

As the weeks went on, I then learnt the basics to put together a magazine layout. All of the information I was given then helped me create a magazine called Trashion. For this we was given all of the information and then had to use our designs to finish the magazine.

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