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Breast Cancer Aware

As part of my photography module, I had to take a series of 12 images. For this we had the choice of looking at portraits, architecture or even products.

For my 12 images I decided to focus on portraits, and to give them a stronger meaning i created a photography campaign that looked at Breast Cancer awareness. With this in mind, I looked further into the subject and found that a lot of Breast Cancer charities mainly target women. Because of this I wanted my own campaign to be different and so I used male models too.

Another part of my course was to then create a cross media product that included skills I had picked up from the modules I had taken. It was then for my cross media that I decided I wanted to do something with the images I had taken and so decided to create a website in the style of a charity. By looking at already existing websites, I was able to create a page in there style...

To see the outcome follow the link:

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