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Impactivity: Talking without limits

In January this year, I was asked to help create a logo for the start up company, Impactivity: Talking without limits.

The beginning of the process started with many conversations around the name of the business, followed by what the logo would look like, then eventually the social media pages and website.

For a couple of months, many ideas of what the logo should look like were thrown around, I have included some screenshots from the process for you to see!

But it was finally in early March that the final logo design came together and became the face of the business.

Once this step was done, we then moved onto putting together the website, which is currently still being built while the last steps of the business are put into place. But it was with this process that I was then able to focus on the social media aspect of the business. This included content creation such as themed posts, photos of behind the scenes as well as posts from the company director to bring in an audience before the main launch. Below you will be able to see a few of the posts I have created for the page, each of which follows the company branding (blue, black and white) as this is something the director wanted.

I also arranged a number of photoshoots with the company director as he needed photographs to put onto the website to begin with and more recently we went and shot the new Impactivity kit. This was a key step for the social media page as it was the first time we were able to lead up to the launch with behind the scenes footage, build suspense and then get feedback from those who follow. From this, we are now working on our next campaign for Mental health awareness week which I hope to be able to show you soon!

If you would like to see more please head over to @Impactivity:TWL .


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