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What I've been up to...

Over the last few months I have completed a number ofwork placements, I have worked with a photographer which has allowed me to develop my photography skills, but also my confidence with talking to people and I have also worked with the company AKW.

In March I started my first work placement at AKW in order to learn about marketing. Throughout the time I was there I took on a number of tasks that allowed me to develop professionally, but also accademically as the work I did here allowed me to complete an assignment with knowledge I had gained from being in the work place.

One of the things that I did in the week I was at AKW was create a video for April Fool's day. The video we created was for the release of the icare shower range. Working with Chris, we came up with the idea to showcase the shower like Iron Man.

Check out the video below.

While I was there I also took some photographs in the company's showroom that were later posted on their social media pages.

Over my time there I also created various blog posts for the companies webiste, covering subjects such as rise and fall units, Wet rooms and a post on how the company helped an ITV programme. Follow the links below to see some of what i've done:

I also had the chance to create social media posts for the company, below are just a few of the posts I created while I was there.

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The experience I had was really enjoyable and I was able to get a lot from the time I had at AKW. From doing the work placement, it has also allowed me to see what kind of jobs I could go into in the future.

If you'd like to see any more of what I have done, feel free to leave a comment or message me.

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