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Protect The Elephants

This semester the modules I had taken were Magazine Production and Media Innovation. As part of this assignment, I was asked to create a cross media product that showed how I was able to incorporate the skills I had learnt over the two modules.

In magazine production, I had created a magazine called A to Zoo which focused on the zoos around the world. With this is mind I wanted to develop the idea further and thought about what could be used alongside the idea to make it stronger. This is when I used what I had learnt in media innovation and I decided that by creating an online platform. The idea behind this was that it would make the concept behind the magazine stronger.

Protect the elephants was then created. The idea was to show how a charity might go about raising money for a cause. My idea then looked at how the creation of a magazine could do that and it allowed me to bring more of a meaning to why the magazine was created.

To create the website I used a mixture of the skills I had learnt within my new media classes, but also the skills I had learnt from Visual design. This allowed me to bring together images, advertisements and mock-ups.

To see the full website visit the link:

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