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Web Design

As part of the Media Incubator module at uni, we were tasked to create a project in which we would improve and develop a skill we already had. After creating a skills audit, the skills I wanted to develop were my HTML and CSS knowledge.

After creating this website for my PMP module, I then decided I wanted to try and create it for myself instead of using Wix. It was then that I started to create my own website. Below are a number of screenshots of the website.

By going through this process I was able to refresh myself on the HTML and CSS skills I already had, however it was a challenging process.

I was pleased with the outcome of the site as I had never created a website from scratch, however this is definitely something I would like to re-visit and expand my skills and knowledge further. By also reflecting on how it looks there are areas I would like to improve. Web design is then something I would like to continue with.

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