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My Design Journey

As part of my Visual Design module, I had to show my design journey from first year to my last year. This process allowed me to see what sort of work I wanted to produce but also how I would achieve the outcome. This was then helped by creating a manifesto that I stuck to throughout the project.

Within my journey I looked at my work to date, the skills I have, What inspires me, I created my own project, addressed my future plans and completed a branding project.

My final project was then to create a set of Birthday and Christmas cards using my design skills and photography skills. This idea came after creating a birthday card for a friend. Where I was drawing onto an image. Throughout my project this was then something I was able to take further and I was really please with the outcome.

Below you can see my final designs and manifesto.

If you would like to find out more, you can see my full Design Journey here.

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